Legal Treatment for FIP in Cats is Now Available in the US!

How is Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) in cats treated?

Before 2019, there wasn’t an effective treatment for FIP. Thankfully, that has changed. Antiviral medications are now available and have shown excellent results. These drugs are legal in many countries and proven safe and effective through clinical studies, though they can be expensive.

The current recommendation is to treat FIP for 12 weeks to ensure full recovery. While this might seem long, it gives cats the best chance of overcoming the disease. Different types of FIP require different dosages, especially if neurological or ocular signs are present. Since cats respond differently, dosage adjustments may be needed. If a cat isn’t responding as expected, the dosage might need to be increased.

Learn About FIP

FIP Vitality x Fundraisers

Partnering with Rescuers to Make a Difference

We are dedicated to providing effective and affordable FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) treatment options. We are currently collaborating with multiple animal rescue centers to help more cats in need at a price most people can afford.

Our product, a 50MG GS-441524 tablet, has been optimized through extensive clinical experience and research. It is comparable to the treatments provided by veterinarians and can be used with the same dosage recommendations.

We are committed to giving back to the community. We pledge to donate 20% of our product revenue to 501C3 nonprofit animal protection organizations, ensuring that more cats receive the help they need.

Join us in making a difference and helping more cats to cure FIP and live healthy.

Take the Action Now

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to ship and how long is it in transit?
Can FIP be cured?
Is there a test for FIP?
Is FIP contagious?
How long is the treatment?
Can GS-441524 be used along with other medications? 
Is Oral capsules a better choice compared to Vials?
How do i store FIP treatments?
Do you accept return?

Our Mission

Welcome to a new era of FIP medicine. Our mission is driven by a passionate team of professionals from the Veterinary Medicine Association and the Feline Disease Rescue Center. We have witnessed too many families forced to euthanize their beloved kittens due to the unaffordable costs of treating FIP with GS-441524 tablets from Vet's Pharmacy. These tablets are not only exorbitantly priced but also come with limited clinical treatment experience.

With over four years of expertise in treating FIP, we have developed a formula for GS-441524 tablets that mirrors Vet's pills but offers greater stability and reliability. Our commitment to affordability ensures that more families can access this life-saving treatment. Currently, numerous shelters and rescue organizations collaborate with us, sharing our vision of making FIP treatment accessible to all.

Together, we can bring hope and healing to countless cats and their families.